Go Newark. Live Green. Love Pink.

"He who knows his WHY in life can live through any HOW" - Victor Frankl

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jumpstarting the New Economy - Green Ventures 2009

On a sun-drenched day out of the office, the 2009 Green Ventures Conference took place on the Fairleigh Dickenson University campus in Madison, New Jersey. Jumpstarting the New Green Economy sparked dialogue covering a wide-range of sustainable topics. Conversations and sales pitches benefited from perspectives shared by dozens of expert panelists. Participating vendors highlighted eco-savvy robot technology, sustainable youth development programs, residential renewable energy equipment, and even biodegradable consumer products!

A conference rooted in Triple-Bottom Line ideals, it’s always an organic experience - engaging with green professionals., that is. For every pretentious Greenie who pointed out the “hypocritical nature of the caterers plastic utensils,” (which were made from recycled material) there was the advocate Greenie, the kind that posted LANDFILL on the general trashcan to remind the bandwagon Greenie of accountability to Mother Nature. Hybrid by default, Greenies are driven by cause rather than the cost, willing to Google collaborators instead of competitors.

On the exhibition floor, event organizers checked-in with attendees inquiring about affiliation and trade. They also verified comfort levels, hearing and seating arrangements, and suggested panelists to connect with that were synergistic to guests areas of special interest.

“The goal for our participants is to help them create a vision for business and work within a new paradigm,” said event chairman Jonathan Cloud. “[This] is a platform in which to carry on a large number of interrelated conversations, that we are all part of what we need to reinvent in order to harmonize our actions with the needs of others and the planet,” said cloud.

from the hand of...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to hear about conferences like this happening all over the country, it makes me feel that while it may be slow going, a shift to more sustainable business practices really is possible. I am working with e3bank which will be offering support to those of us who are trying to find ways to make a real change towards greener business.