Go Newark. Live Green. Love Pink.

"He who knows his WHY in life can live through any HOW" - Victor Frankl

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sustainable Course Now Available at Morris County College

The Department of Community and Professional Programs at Morris County College are now offering:

Transition from White Collar to Green Collar - CAR 106

Green collar work enables a sustainable economy – one where the interests of People, Planet and Profit are optimized. This course shows you how to transition your career from a traditional service profession to a sustainable position in the green economy. We will discuss the business premises of green jobs – carbon trading, greenhouse gas accounting, product foot printing, LEED building and solar and wind generation. We will explain the economic stimulus package and federal cap and trade proposals; the practicalities of establishing credentials for entering these new fields in New Jersey; and developing career path strategies within the Green Collar job market.

Paul Cecela, Career Coach 48541
4 Sessions: Cohen Hall, B204

6:30-9:30 p.m., Tues and Thurs, June 2-11

$122 (tuition $101, college fee $15, print $1, registration fee $5)

To register online, go to www.ccm.edu
Click Business & Community
Click Current Brochure
Go to page 43 for 'How to Register'

Shared by:
J. A. Armstrong, Ph.D.
Dean of Corporate Education, Community Programs and Academic Initiatives

From "Heart of Stone" on TNN

When will media showcase the Newark, Newarkers know? --LadyPink

...In reality there are many youth in Newark who are doing the right thing, everyday. They are not violent. They have never been involved in gangs. They are moving forward with limited resources, going on to higher education, and leading productive lives. There are a number of individuals and organizations who are actively helping youth to get and stay on the right track. These students, and residents (and their ideas) are almost never highlighted. Outsiders’ focus on Newark is largely on a limited breadth of issues that sell tickets.

The film does show some students moving in a productive direction (one troubled youth is on a successful college track), but more as the exception and not the rule. You may be thinking, “Well then, there can’t be many Newark youth doing the right thing....more

So, what does your Newark look like?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Brenda Toyloy Speaks Against the MUA Proposal

The Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA) is a serious proposal on the table for Newark residents. Many are speaking out against this matter and one Newark leader in particular, Brenda Toyloy is fighting against it and encourages others to join her voice in saying 'no' to privatizing Newark's water system.
We super neighborhood leaders were charged to galvanize our community stake holders, address the needs of our communities, work collaboratively to build and compile our resources, design effective solutions for the super neighborhood community within our designated areas as well as work with government officials! Our Mayor Cory Booker charged us to hold him accountable!

In regards to establishing a Municipal/County Utility Authority (MUA) in Newark, Weequahic's Super Neighborhood has issued a RESOUNDING NO! Yes, there is a financial crisis looming over all cities (not just NEWARK) within the United States of America, because American Corporations in their quest for CONTROL continued to utilize an economic model infused with GREED. We cannot afford to continue use the same economic model that is embedded in the MUA LAW, nor can we operate in this vain way.

I initiated meetings to get a better understanding of Mayor Booker’s position regarding the MUA with: Executive Director, Linda Brashear of Newark Watershed Conservation and Community Development Corporation NWCDC (3.5 hours @ the Newark Watershed Conservation Development Corporation Headquarters - 40 Clinton Street). NWCDC is the non-profit organization that submitted the request to the Municipal Council to adopt the MUA. Linda Brashear is employed and maintains her employment at the behest of the Board of Directors of NWCDC. Mayor Cory Booker, Chairs that organization, Councilman Oscar James II and Council Member at Large Donald Payne Jr. are BOARD members. I had an one hour lunch with Deputy Mayor Margarita Muniz in her office who at the time knew nothing of the MUA (she supports it now); a one hour snack and conversation with South Ward Councilman Oscar James II in my home, who said when I asked him, what he thought about the SNCC? He said, " the SNCC lives and dies with you Brenda," and The MUA?... he said... "just believe!" I've relayed information to Anthony Welch from Newark Now via emails and had dinner with Modia Butler at Nicks on Central Avenue, now Chief of Staff for the Mayor.

My final meeting ended with the Chief of Staff asking me to "just be quiet, we will put you on the BOARD so you can address your concerns! Have faith in the Mayor.” When I told him the Council chooses the board members to the MUA he replied, "the Mayor also chooses a member!" My answer is "NO I WILL NOT BE QUIET, I DO NOT WANT TO BE ON THE MUA BOARD!" I believe WATER is a HUMAN RIGHT!
--Brenda Toyloy, Chairperson, Weequahic Park Super Neighborhood

The Newark Water Group, a collection of residential, corporate and community stakeholders, are holding a rally at City Hall on June 17th 2009 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 as a precursor to the Municipal Council Meeting at 6:30 PM. All Newarkers (those who live, work, play in Newark) are invited to attend both gatherings.

If you are inspired by the efforts of Brenda Toyloy and the Newark Water Group, then join them in sharing MUA concerns with Newark elected officials.

Councilman Oscar S. James II - 973.733.6563
Councilmember at Large Donald Payne, Jr. - 973.733.3753
Councilmember at Large Carlos Gonzalez - 973.733.6425
Councilmember at Large Luis Quintana - 973.733.5882
Council President Mildred Crump - 973.733.8043

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Ultimate Recycling Project: Soiled Oil

The Mayors Panel on Sustainable Communities explored innovative ways to Green towns. Municipalities in attendance were Florham Park, Madison, Morristown, Westwood, Woodbridge and South Orange. The Honorable Mayor John Birkner of Westwood, NJ described a most admirable and progressive project undertaken by his community, a program that he called: The Ultimate Recycling Project.

As he saw it, a straightforward way for a community to jumpstart their greening efforts, is to strengthen their recycling program. So, Birkner increased pickups, encouraged residents to drop-off directly at the center, and frequently recognized increases in recycling deposits. Catalyzed by the community effort, Birkner challenged the Westwood community again.

He asked himself and constituency: what if we can recycle commercial vegetable oil as fuel? As an experiment, Birkner and his trucks gathered soiled oil from local venues (saving owners money who would normally have to pay for proper disposal of materials). Using a spaghetti strainer and cheese cloth, the oil was separated from food waste. As the final piece to the experiment, a test subject was selected. The obvious candidate: the recycling trucks themselves!

“We broke all the myths,” said Birkner. “It didn’t damage the engine or anything like that. We proved we could do it.” After realizing the potential of this discovery, it was time to figure out how exactly Soiled Oil, could be brought to scale (unfortunately, a spaghetti strainer and cheese cloth aren’t sustainable solutions). After discovering a neglected, fifteen-year-old centrifuge in county storage, Birkner volunteered to take the property off the counties hands. Once restored, the centrifuge enabled the removal of moisture, glycerin and other elements from the kitchen oil.

As a result of this program, all three Westwood recycling trucks run on Soiled Oil. Additionally, as a shared service, Westwood accepts, refines and supplies Soiled Oil for neighboring towns, “…reducing dependence on fossil fuels, and reducing the idea that drilling and disturbing our coastlines is the only way to power America,” said Birkner.

Mayor Birkner and Westwood…kudos!

from the hand of ...


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jumpstarting the New Economy - Green Ventures 2009

On a sun-drenched day out of the office, the 2009 Green Ventures Conference took place on the Fairleigh Dickenson University campus in Madison, New Jersey. Jumpstarting the New Green Economy sparked dialogue covering a wide-range of sustainable topics. Conversations and sales pitches benefited from perspectives shared by dozens of expert panelists. Participating vendors highlighted eco-savvy robot technology, sustainable youth development programs, residential renewable energy equipment, and even biodegradable consumer products!

A conference rooted in Triple-Bottom Line ideals, it’s always an organic experience - engaging with green professionals., that is. For every pretentious Greenie who pointed out the “hypocritical nature of the caterers plastic utensils,” (which were made from recycled material) there was the advocate Greenie, the kind that posted LANDFILL on the general trashcan to remind the bandwagon Greenie of accountability to Mother Nature. Hybrid by default, Greenies are driven by cause rather than the cost, willing to Google collaborators instead of competitors.

On the exhibition floor, event organizers checked-in with attendees inquiring about affiliation and trade. They also verified comfort levels, hearing and seating arrangements, and suggested panelists to connect with that were synergistic to guests areas of special interest.

“The goal for our participants is to help them create a vision for business and work within a new paradigm,” said event chairman Jonathan Cloud. “[This] is a platform in which to carry on a large number of interrelated conversations, that we are all part of what we need to reinvent in order to harmonize our actions with the needs of others and the planet,” said cloud.

from the hand of...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pros on the Grow - NJPros E-Zine

The New Jersey Professionals Network (NJPros) launched the May issue of Grow-inGreen, their network e-zine. Check out the issue below.