Go Newark. Live Green. Love Pink.

"He who knows his WHY in life can live through any HOW" - Victor Frankl

Friday, November 14, 2008

Let's Barter Up this Weekend!

A barter-based alternate economy demonstration in Newark personifies socio-economic feasibility of a Green Collar society.

Newark, NJ - November 14, 2008 - An old tradition becomes a modern philosophy on Saturday, November 15th from 11AM-3PM at NJIT when Newarkers engage in Let’s Barter Up, Brickerati Green’s demonstration of economic sustainability. As the recession continues to hit home and the holidays expediently approach, Newarkers are looking at ways to cut costs, stay local, and have fun. At NJIT’s “The Gallery” participants in the first Let’s Barter Up will join students, administrators, residents, and businesses, in welcoming a sustainable solution to a financial, consumer, and waste issue.

Let’s Barter Up is an initial step towards a Green lifestyle that is immediately relevant. As Newarkers bring in their like-new and gently-used items in exchange for stocking-stuffers, office favorites, and dorm must-haves, they will begin to participate in a major Green concept: recycling.

Brickerati Green’s Ninapilar Daniels is the concept designer behind Let’s Barter Up. Her vision was to create an event where all live-work-play Newarkers participate in a tangibly relevant Green initiative that relates to their immediate worries and needs, and acts as a starting point towards a sustainable mindset.

Ms. Daniels says, “The Green concept is so massive and sometimes results are not always immediately apparent to Newarkers. As the holidays approach pockets are tight; Newarkers are more concerned about how they are going to buy more stuff for their families. The Green opportunity here is to show how we can cut back on consumable spending, which inevitably will cut back on consumer waste, and reuse stuff that is still functionally new.”

In addition to goods, Let’s Barter Up encourages service swaps including tutoring, music lessons, and consultations. In order to keep all swaps equal, there are six trade “levels.” The value determined for the product received equates the number of “Green Bricks” the individual receives and then trades with. An individual’s investment in the barter economy determines the strength of the economy itself, thus contributing to the anticipation of this demonstration.

This event is free to attend. All participants, visitors, and media are strongly encouraged to bring an item to barter; seed the economy! No money will be accepted in exchange for a bartered item.

For media opportunities please contact Pamela Daniels at 862.220.2601.

Monday, November 3, 2008

On The Eve of History

The most grueling presidential roller coaster in US history will come to an end when Americans make their choice tomorrow. There’s never been a more important and impressive time to exercise your Constitutional right to vote then November 4th 2008. The next leader of the United States of America will be the American declaration for indivisibility, liberty, and justice for all infused with a responsibility to unite Americans as honestly as 9-11 patriotism, and with as much sincerity as Hurricane Katrina sentiment.

The race has been long, and the candidates are tired. The voters have tolerated media mayhem: the ability to uncover every intrinsic detail of campaign topicality. Stories and perspectives that may or may not have been relevant were stripped to nuances, while talking points were as tiring as spam. But! There is still one more hurdle to jump before the finish line: Election day itself!

Barack Obama and John McCain couldn’t be any more different, neither Biden nor Palin for that matter. For a Presidential election that has truly been no holds bar, the actualization of tomorrow couldn’t be more surreal. Voter turnout will be at Guinness highs, while voter experience and scare tactics just as epic.

American history is stained with primitive moments in civics, economics, war, and leadership. There is an almost philanthropic need for a shift in local, national, and global perception. American discourse and direction weighs heavy on the rest of the world, thus the severity of this election. The War on Terror must strike a chord of recoiled purpose. Wall Street has sown seeds of greed, deception, terror, and selfishness, a harvest that will become the greatest burden yet of the American people. The Earth is shrilling for restoration amid inhabitants of selective hearing.

America this is history! Whether the tally reads Obama or McCain, election 2008 is history. Society is just enough out-of-wack for noble change to be realistic, and an Obama-elect is a litmus test of American readiness for dynamic change; thus, the crescendo that is November 4th.

As the paradoxical party exposition reaches climax, it’s time for America to answer: Will we choose a candidate that will bring priority, pride, and honor to the captains seat of Global Superpower?

From the hand of…
