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"He who knows his WHY in life can live through any HOW" - Victor Frankl

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Message from Van Jones

Van Jones founding President of Green for All, asks that we submit a letter to our congressman (those who will be in office during Barack Obama's presidency) to pass The Green Jobs Act, which provides Green jobs training and living wage opportunities for millions of Americans:

For many, this holiday season will be tough. But Congress could give a terrific present to thousands who desperately need work - by fully funding the Green Jobs Act.

Congress is deciding right now what to include in the economic “stimulus and recovery” package it will pass in the new year. This stimulus has the potential to create good, green jobs for America - but only if Congress includes full funding for the Green Jobs Act.

Please help us convince our national leaders to fund the Green Jobs Act as part of America’s rescue package.

The Green Jobs Act
The Green Jobs Act will create green pathways out of poverty in this country. Working with allies, Green For All got the program included in the Energy Bill of 2007. Bush signed the program into law last December. But he failed to include a penny for it in his 2008 budget proposal.

Congress can finally jumpstart this desperately needed program by dedicating $250 million or more in the economic stimulus bill.

The Green Jobs Act will help approximately 25,000 people a year get training in green trades. Trainees could then get employed installing solar panels, weatherizing and retrofitting buildings, working in the wind industry and doing other important work.

Please tell your congressperson to act now.

The Need
Many people in our communities are between jobs now. Some are coming home from wars - or prisons. They deserve an economic future in the only part of the economy likely to grow soon: the green energy sector.

There is a lot of TALK about green jobs. But there is only one authorized federal program designed to provide training for those jobs: The Green Jobs Act. It needs full funding.

President-elect Barack Obama is committed to a clean energy transformation. Let’s expand the number of people who can benefit from the jobs and investment that will flow from the green economy revolution.

Help us convince Congress to do the right thing by sending a letter TODAY. Thanks.


Van Jones
Green For All

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