Go Newark. Live Green. Love Pink.

"He who knows his WHY in life can live through any HOW" - Victor Frankl

Friday, November 20, 2009

Top Ten Emerging Environmental Technologies

LiveScience introduces 1o technologies that are shaping tomorrow's globe. But, will these technologies work? Be sure to visit the Top 10 list for full disclosures, and take a look at the linked sites, for more perspective on the technologies.

10. Make Paper Obsolete
Electronic Paper has a flexible display that looks much like real paper, but can be reused.
9. Bury the Bad Stuff
A new disposal method for CO2 admission is to inject it into the ground before it reaches the atmosphere.
8. Let Plants & Microbes Clean Up After Us
Bioremediation uses native plants and microbes to clean up contamination.
7. Plant Your Roof
Roof gardens help absorb heat, take up Co2, and give off oxygen, absorb storm water, and reduce summer air conditioning costs.
6. Harness Waves and Tides
New York City's East River is now in the process of becoming the test bed for six tide-powered turbines.
5. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
OTEC technologies convert the thermal energy contained in the oceans and turn it into electricity.
4. Sunny New Ideas
Solar cells and solar thermal collectors must make way for more efficient solar converts that use mirrors and parabolic dishes.
3. The 'H' Power
The promise of a "hydrogen economy," however, is not one that all experts agree will ever be realized.
2. Remove the Salt
Desalination, the removal of salt and minerals from seawater, is a promising way to provide potable water in places where drinking water is limited resource.
1. Make Oil from Just about Anything
Fans of thermo-depolymerization, or making energy oil from any carbon- based waste, say a ton of turkey waste can produce 600 lbs of petrolium.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stand by Your Brand

"Branding is the expression of your value," says Melissa Dawn Johnson, creator, Brand Me Minutes. The Essence.com contributing writer believes whether you're trying to get ahead at work or in school, "you are always presenting and repackaging your value." Depending on how clearly you present your value, determines how much an individual will buy into it. To survive the fire storm of brands out there takes courage and motivation. Take a look at Melissa Johnson's video that speaks to weathering the storm.

Ms. Johnson's logic plays out pretty clearly in my life. And what is equally noteworthy, is how some folks can be intimidated by your value. Johnson says, "people get their impression in 3-5 seconds. They only know what you give them; verbal and nonverbal." This means, one has to be confident in their message, and decisive in their delivery.

Here's how this apparent truth has played out in my life. A few years ago I went for a job interview at a distribution headquarters in Fairfield, New Jersey. I interviewed with the Vice President of Marketing & Communications, who asked me a series of questions about my resume. On it, I provide detailed accounts of my positions in administrative support and operations management. My experiences were generally in the hospitality industry, in addition to several temporary assignments at corporations in New York City and New Jersey. After reading all that was impressive for a professional college graduate with responsibility under her belt, Mr. VP stopped, stared, and questioned me about what he read last called, "A Letter Pink'd Editorial Consultant." He asked me, "What's Pink'd? Do you write in pink color? "

I responded, "I am a freelance writer, and I produce cross-sector professional copy. Pink is more than a color to me, so it's my personal guarantee in my services to clients. LadyPink is my pen name." Mr. VP a mid-50's, peppered man smiled and said, "I don't relate to the color, but I can definitely appreciate your brand. I believe you too!" I smiled and reveled in the fact that the brand was effective.

Today's financial, sustainable, and creative rebirths are being spearheaded by innovative thinkers, who effectively showcase their brands as memorable, knowledgeable, and reliable. You might be asking, "How does one make their brand stand out?" Well, in case you haven't noticed, design and presentation is key.

Web pages, blogs, social apps, feeds, and e-blasts are in-your-face communication portals we are all plugged into. These five notifications make transparent what we do, want to do, will do, and have done. As you plan your coming out party, and your packaging inclusions remember - Fabulous design and invigorating copy is what baits, hooks, and preserves your space in the mind of collaborators.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rutgers Expansion Keeps Relationships in Tact

Rutgers Newark celebrated the latest addition to the Center for Urban and Public Service. Today's ribbon-cutting stoked excitement and anticipation for the next few years, where enrollment in public service tracks are expected to rapidly increase. As a result of this expected growth, the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) now occupies 111 Washington Street, the former home of Rutgers Business School.

The partnership was clear: Rutgers-Newark, City of Newark, and Newark Public Schools (NPS), gathered together to congratulate Dean Marc Holzer on moving his vision for SPAA forward. But what was also interesting was the not-so-silent uncertainty of how an upside down Trenton will affect continued progress.

SPAA plays two roles in the Newark sphere. Its nationally acclimated graduate program yields distinguished leaders in public service, including Newark's Deputy Mayor Margarita Muniz, who was also in attendance at tonight's event. Additionally, the college shares research and implementation strategy with NPS and the City in the areas of finance, budgeting, judicial activism, and local control.

Alan Sadovnik, Ph.D. is Co-Director for the Newark Schools Research Collaborative and Institute on Education Law & Policy. He says, "I hope [the new administration] continues to use research-based evidence to help improve the districts where they have not met previous goals." Pedro Noguero, professor in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at NYU is currently working with Sadovnik and the research collaborative on a project that would replicate the Harlem Children's Zone in Newark's Central Ward.

Despite social, economical and gubernatorial upset, it's amazing how sectors in Newark are still moving forward. Programs with measurable goals, and proven mission's are demonstrating reason for state and private investment.

Although I am not sure what a Christie administration means to this neighborhood, optimism-especially caressed at events like today's, taste best with Chardonnay in-hand and a jazz ensemble.

It's Not that Bad, Jersey--Really!

So Christie won and there are a lot of upset Democrats. Why are they upset? Because, things are going to be shook up over the next four years. Status quos will be challenged everywhere, and business as usual will be redefined for many city and education governments.

If that’s not a consolation, then think about this. How long has your town been under the same regimen? How long have city services and education systems remained epic, tiring and troublesome? Have any of your elected officials been arrested lately?

New Jersey is broken-and it’s not Jon Corzine’s fault. He was just a rich man with time, executive experience, and the chance of his lifetime to play an awesome game. Except that game was with our lives!

Jersey needs a chance to become competitive again. Graduates from our distinguished universities should have the chance to lay their knowledge on the state where they built their foundation. The retail industry should bustle, providing jobs, culture, and tax revenue. Our schools should be nurturing and cultivating genesis’s, with 21st century educators determined to teach in the times!

I can’t say I KNOW Governor Chris Christie can accomplish all that needs to be done in New Jersey. However, “we’re going to turn Trenton upside down,” not only sounds like a promise I can hold him to, but a foreshadow. Whatever is going up in Jersey’s municipalities—will be going down.

From the hand of…


Gov Election on Twitter

@NewNewark People are disappointed.
Understandable BUT localgovt needs a wakeup
call and so do we as citizens,
need2stop looking4 a "savior"